Dating a younger woman pros and cons

Dating > Dating a younger woman pros and cons

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However, older women often have other responsibilities such as children or elderly parents to care for. Chelsea says that dating a younger guy while in high school is much different than dating a younger guy while in college. Del a younger woman has both pluses and minuses dating a younger woman pros and cons consider, but much like anything we do in life, it's a decision you will inevitably have to make for yourself as some people put little stock in one's chronological age and could care less what anyone else thinks, while some are solo with outward appearances and what others might think. As a result of a stronger connection, you can learn more about each other, the nature of your relationship and even yourself. Only you can decide how important it is to have shared history. Being with a print who is much younger can help a man get back his lost zest and gain enough energy to live life to the fullest; vitality of younger women seems to work wonders for these men. Thus, this is a reason why she is more attractive to you than other civil women. Older women may have more time for you than a younger woman. They love and like deeper. Not having the support of family and friends is tough on any relationship.

You might be at an upscale bar when a handsome, well-suited gentleman with salt and pepper hair saddles up to you and orders you a martini; you might receive an intriguing message from a sophisticated-looking fellow a generation older on a dating site; wherever and however it happens, you should consider his offer. An older man can teach you about life and love, giving a vision into your own not-so-far-off future. This man offers you a completely different perspective and experience from your typical dating pool of young whippersnappers. There are of course many pros and cons to dating a man old enough to be your father, or at least your uncle. Time is of the essence and he must settle down unless he wishes to spend his nights alone, shouting cantankerously at the television during Wheel of Fortune reruns. PRO: Stability An older man has had more time to rise in the ranks of his career. He might own a car, a home, or at the very least a sofa not from Ikea. CON: Controlling A man who pays the bills also feels they are owed something. He is entrenched in his life and you will be conforming to his way of living. PRO: Wise There is no substitution for experience, and your old geezer has had many more years to accumulate and learn from them. He has probably already made all the mistakes you can make and can see problems coming from a mile away. He can help advise and guide you through whatever you might be traversing. CON: Condescending Some men may not have actually gained wisdom over their years, only a sense that they know it all. This leads to condescension and a fatherly patronization that is distinctly unsexy. A wise man is the man who knows he knows nothing. He knows that commitment is work. CON: Less exciting A man who is mature is, almost by nature, less exciting. PRO: Sexually experienced The notches on his bedpost have whittled it down to a toothpick. CON: Wrinkles Time and gravity are unfortunate bedfellows. PRO: Ready to settle down Older men know their next date might be one with the grim reaper. They have dated for decades, had more flings than a sling shot, and are looking for commitment in the form of a meaningful relationship.

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